Hi guys :3
SOOOO!! As you all know the Newgrounds Winter Fest was last weekend, and I just wanted to spew some thoughts about how it went here !!
Overall, I had a wonderful time and I was once again reminded why I love this community so much! The panels were spectacular and I feel like I learned so much from fellow creators <3 I was so motivated and inspired. I didn’t wanna miss any of the fest, so I actually listened to most of it while working on building cosplay stuff!!
It was wonderful to reconnect with the community after being in and out due to things like moving and job searching and crippling anxiety lol oof. Talking to my mutuals and friends more during the fest actually made me feel so much better, and I thank all of you for that.
I also have everyone involved with the fest to thank for helping build and fuel my confidence. As many of you know, I struggle a lot with shyness and have a lot of problems with putting myself out there, collaborating, sharing some of my art, and talking in vc’s and such. But having the opportunity to make people laugh in the hentai dubbing panel, even though it was really silly, it actually made me feel a lot better about talking to others and it helped with my confidence a bit. And of course, being able to share my thoughts during the closing ceremony helped as well. Even having Stanpai and many others encourage me to share my art during the nsfw art discussion helped me a lot with my confidence. It all sounds like silly little things, but they really did help and I’m so grateful hehe
This entire thing turned into word vomit, but I’ll end it here as you kinda get the jist. Many thanks to Stanpai and LilSpook for organizing another BANGER festival, as well as the rest of their staff, panelists, and all of my wonderful friends and mutuals who encourage me and meme with me <3 y’all know who you are hehehe I love u all!
also thanks to Mina for the discord nitro and for keeping the joke running HAHAHAHAHA ILY <3
I cant wait to share more art and collabs and such, and I ESPECIALLY can’t wait for the next event <3